
新宝测速6:Hiroshima University Official Website Site Policy

This is the official website of the National University Corporation Hiroshima University. The website is run by Hiroshima University, based on Hiroshima University’s Official Website Management and Operation Guidelines.

Website Design

This site is designed in accordance with the Hiroshima University Web Accessibility Guidelines, based on the principle of Universal Design.


Unless otherwise indicated, all contents (including text, images, logos, and various types of data) on this site are the property of Hiroshima University. It is strictly prohibited to assign any of these material to a third party to reprint, copy, use or modify without obtaining permission from Hiroshima University.

Handling of Collected Information

All information collected in this website will be handled in accordance with the Hiroshima University Official Website Privacy Policy.

Website Links

新宝测速6:Links to this site

As a general rule, you are free to use the links and URLs to the pages of this site and publish it in media such as magazines (hereinafter referred to as “links”). However, we may decline the request depending on the referring source. Please note the following when linking.

  1. Please specify the original text to make it clear that the links are to this site. 
  2. It is prohibited to display the pages of this site within the frame of your homepage.

※You do not need to notify the university when you make a link. 
※Please note that the URLs and contents of the page may change or be deleted without prior notice.
※The university will not take responsibility for any incidents caused by the links.

The university strictly prohibits the use of the links to those falling under any of the following categories:

  • Sites which are offensive to public order and morals
  • Sites which contain any content that violates or is likely to violate laws and regulations
  • Sites which impersonate or spoof the official website of the university
  • All other sites that are against the interest of the university or members of the university

○About the Hiroshima University banner

When using images for links to this site, please use the banner image available below, without making any modifications to the text or graphics. In addition, please add the alt attributes (alternative text) to the image.

(Example) <a href=”/” title=”広島大学”><img src=”hugakusho.jpg”> alt=”広島大学公式ウェブサイトへリンク” width=”250” height=”67” border=”0”></a>

(Example) <a href=”/en” title=”Hiroshima University”><img src=”hugakusho-en.jpg”> alt=”Link to Hiroshima University official website” width=”250” height=”67” border=”0”></a>

The University is not responsible for the handling or posting of personal information on external websites linked from this site.

Browsing Environment

We have taken into consideration the usability and accessibility when producing this website, putting our utmost effort to prevent the appearance and information from being corrupted depending on the browsing environment. However, some older browsers may display the design in a corrupted manner. In order to use this site more reliably and comfortably, we recommend browsing with the latest version of OS and browser.

Please use the latest version of Internet Explorer 11.0 or later, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Android 6.0 onwards, IOS 10.0 onwards is recommended.


This website uses cookies to improve the site and user convenience.

Cookies are a mechanism that saves data specified by the website in the user's browser, in order to identify the user who browsed the website, and statistically grasp the browsing situation. This data does not contain any information that may identify you individually. Users can refuse or delete cookies by changing the browser settings. The setting method differs depending on the browser, so please check the help tab of your browser for more information.

Plug-in (Addon)

Adobe Reader available from Adobe is required to view and print PDF files.


This site uses JavaScript. If JavaScript is disabled in your browser, the website may not function or be displayed properly. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings when viewing the website.

Use of Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics to conduct access analysis in order to understand the site usage statistics and to improve the content. The data is aggregated anonymously, and we do not collect any personally identifiable information. The aggregated information will be used only for the above purposes.

In addition, the data collected through Google Analytics from this site is managed based on Google's privacy policy, and Hiroshima University shall not be liable for any damages caused by the use of the Google Analytics services.
Please click here to access Google Analytics terms of service.

For further inquiries concerning the Site Policy, please contact the following administrator.

【Official Website Administrator】

Public Relations Group, Office of Financial and General Affairs,

Hiroshima University

1-3-2 Kagamiyama Higashi-Hiroshima City, 739-8511

E-mail: koho*office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp (please replace * with @)
