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Graduate School of Innovation and Practice for Smart Society

In April 2023, Hiroshima University will launch a new graduate degree program, the Graduate School of Innovation and Practice for Smart Society to foster human resources who can design, develop, and implement systems and technologies to achieve a smart society to flexibly respond to social issues among diverse human societies from the range of the entire earth to local communities.

新宝测速6:Features of the Graduate School of Innovation and Practice for Smart Society

Integrated knowledge of learning and practice

  • A degree that balances interdisciplinary and expertise
  • Participation of many leaders and institutions with practical experience from international industry, government and academia

Supervision to realize interdisciplinary education and research

  • Supervisors from multiple disciplines from four graduate schools give advice to students on how to promote interdisciplinary perspectives in six cross-disciplinary research areas to realize a Smart Society

Educational modules designed for flexible learning

  • Students can choose their subjects systematically from given modules based on their own strengths and specialities to foster integrated knowledge and practical knowledge

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