After entering Hiroshima University, how did we spend our time? Check it out!
(These are examples of our own personal experiences. They do not reflect those of all international students.)

Short-term Exchange (HUSA Program)

Research Student (Non-Degree) -> Masters (Degree)

Master's -> Doctoral (Degree course)
新宝测速6:Experiences from former Hiroshima University foreign students who are now employed in Japan
Dongmei Ma (China)

Qingqiang Guo (China)
新宝测速6:Table Talk

Table Talk
Here you can read our true feelings about our stay at HU.
- Q1. Why did you decide to study abroad at Hiroshima University?
- Q2. What kind of support did you receive here?
- Q3. What makes you glad you studied abroad and how have you grown?
- Q4. Tell us about a fun experience you would tell others about?
- Q5. How did you strengthen your friendships with other Japanese students?
- Q6. If you were to study abroad in Japan again, what would you do better?